Level Up your game !

First step

During a gaming session with friends, we noticed that energy drinks don't work, on the contrary, you even get tired. We wondered why there were no drinks specially designed for gamers, which would help them to train and concentrate during their gaming sessions. Thus, the idea of LevlUp was born and we were the first ones to have the heart to support gamers. Two months later, we launched our OG Cola Coaster and Orange Ownage flavor on the market.

Our mission

Studies show that an eSports player can make up to 400 motor movements on the mouse and keyboard per minute and has to respond to visual stimuli in fractions of a second. It doesn't matter if you are a professional or a casual gamer: gaming requires the highest possible level of attention, quick reactions and a high level of tactical understanding. LevlUp has made it its goal to support demanding gamers in their sport Prof. Ingo Froböse in DW: "Sports scientists: eSport professionals are real athletes".